Charles-Antoine Vallières is a multi-disciplinary artist with an OptiMystic perspective ::: When he’s not turning sea-trash into treasures, he can typically be found behind some sort of board: story-board, fret-board, skateboard, keyboard, or imaginary drawing-board; preparing for the next inspiration.  

“Only the boring get bored” ~CA

Since graduating from UBC’s film program in 2012, CAV has continued to explore his artistic spectrum as an award-winning filmmaker and visual artist, as well as a passionate and progressive poet/lyricist/musician. 

His works are acutely self-aware and perceptive, asking us to question the way we think, consume, and live :::

 “What does our trash say about us? 

 Humans seem to think that we're only polluting the earth when we litter. But in actuality, we're littering the earth the moment something is made ::: 

Production = Pollution 

It has to sit somewhere, polluting something, (or someone).  
...Just not in my backyard, right?   

 Let’s all do our part in cleaning up this collective mess. One peace at a time"~ CAV

CHUCK'D ART: Upcycling harmful ocean plastics into collectible eco-art. 


CAV has another element to his Chuck'd Art that is curiously challenging and easily over-looked::: he does not alter any of the plastic pieces he collects from the beach and insists on using them as originally discovered, making each art peace a uniquely unrepeatable clever puzzle. 


 To see and learn more about CAV and his work please visit

and follow his latest creations on Instagram: @cavalleyair 


Short vignette on CAV by Mackenzie Sheppard::: 
Top photograph by Azuka Kamdibe.

Behind the Scenes of CAV’s collaboration w/ Three Tree Creative for Tavana’s song Plastic Island.